Bryson, Rowan, and Marc are getting ready to celebrate their birthdays next week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday respecitively. We aren't actually going to have a party though until we move in to our new house, so it will be sometime in April. It's hard to believe our boys are already 3 and 1! It's amazing how fast they grow up. They have had a great winter so far. Bryson really enjoys the snow even though he doesn't get to play outside very much because it's been too cold. Rowan likes standing against the cold sliding glass door and looking out at the backyard. Bryson has been pretty healthy this winter with just a couple of small colds that haven't seemed to slow him down too much. Rowan has had a few more colds and he has had 3 of them turn into ear infections. He is currently taking medicine to clear up the most recent ear infections. He has started seeing a chiropractor to see if that will help to keep the ears cleared up. Bryson saw the same chiropractor when he was a year old after having several ear infections and he hasn't had an ear infection since! Hopefully it will help Rowan as well.
The boys love playing together. They are typical boys. They love playing rough! Bryson loves anything that he can take apart or can figure out in some way. He doesn't have much desire to work on letters or numbers yet, but knows all of his colors etc. He's very mechanical and has a fantastic memory and ability to figure things out. Rowan is happy go lucky, always smiling and laughing. He babbles all the time and will eat pretty much anything that you will give him!
Payton is enjoying school. She recently got her first American Girl doll and she is very excited. She loves playing with her brothers, especially Bryson because she can play a little rowdier with him. She also likes to play school with him. She does a lot of talking and he does a lot of "" while he is playing with his toys. They get along very well!
Austin is getting his permit next week and has already started his drivers ed courses. Boy how things have changed since I was in drivers ed! He is doing very well in school getting mostly A's and a few B's. I think high school must be treating him pretty well. He's so grown up!
Here are a few pics from lately...I will try to do better at posting more often!