Friday, October 22, 2010

Leaves, Leaves, Leaves

The leaves have just started to fall in our yard, but that first day we had to scoop up a little pile so that Payton and Bryson could jump around in them.

After playing in the leaves it of course was time for a nice long bath! This time it was Bryson and Rowan in the bath though! What cuties. They just love splashing around in there.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New floor!

We are still trying to sell our house, but in the meantime I couldn't stand our carpet anymore! Sooo last weekend my dad put in new flooring that we had purchased. I must say it looks pretty good!

The top pic is of the old old flooring. It was a poured floor which was apparently popular in the late 60's early 70's. WOW! Pretty special in the harvest gold color. Although I must say it's had new flooring put over the top of it and then ripped out and it's over 40 years old and it was still in great shape. Too bad it was so ugly! Anyway we put the new flooring in the entryway and the greatroom/dining room. A much needed improvement! Bryson keeps saying "Papa put in new floor?!" and poor Rowan just slides around on it when he crawls. He's starting to get the hang of it though!

Weekend away!

Over Labor Day weekend we always take a family trip to Lake Sara. My Aunt Bernice always enjoyed taking pictures of me in the morning with my bed head. Bryson has now graduated into the bed head stage!

Rowan just hanging out at the lake.

A few more photos of the lake.

That's my boy!

I swear Bryson is so like me! He can fall asleep anywhere!

In the first picture he was pretending to be asleep. He woke up one morning and came out to see me in the kitchen while I was making breakfast and decided to lay on the floor and catch a couple more zzz's. The other picture he just went back into my bedroom and was drinking a cup of milk and decided to go ahead and fall asleep. I guess he was really tired!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

On no big boo boo!

Bryson had a big fall on Friday. He made the mistake of getting on Emma's bike which is too big for him. The other mistake was that Emma's bike was sitting at the top of the driveway backwards. When he climbed on top of the bike he started rolling down the hill backwards and panicked before Bev could get to him. He apparently turned the handlebars of the bike and caused the bike to jerk which threw him off. As a result he got a major boo boo on the head!
Of course in typical boy fashion he cried for a few minutes, refused to put ice on it, and was playing and having a good time before daddy even got there to check it out.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Freedom Celebration!

Last weekend, Saturday, June 26th to be exact we went to Gifford to help celebrate the Fourth of July early. It was really hot, but we hung out at the park all day! The kids had an absolute blast. Payton participated in the parade, a watermelon eating contest, a talent show, and a cricket spitting contest. Marc and Payton actually both participated in the cricket spitting contest. Marc did pretty well I must say. Payton not so great, but I was actually glad...that means she doesn't have much practice spitting right?!

Bryson loved being able to run around and he absolutely loved the petting zoo! He even fed the animals. Rowan enjoyed seeing the sights and taking cat naps when he could. It was a great day in Gifford!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


So I have been a very bad blogger lately. I haven't been keeping up. So here are some quick updates. Rowan is growing like a weed! He had his first ear infection a couple of weeks ago which was really sad, but he responded very well to the medicine. We are very thankful for that. He weighed 14 lbs. at his appointment! I can't believe how big my baby is getting. You forget how fast they go through clothes at this age. He is doing wonderfully though so I can't complain one bit!

Bryson is also doing great! He is still hanging out at about 29 lbs but getting taller. I can't believe how tall he's getting. I am constantly amazed at how blessed we are.

I just got over an episode of shingles so we are waiting patiently and hoping that the boys don't get the chicken pox from being exposed to them through me. So far so good.

We just had a great visit from Austin and Payton for about 2 weeks. Austin had to go back home to participate in basketball, football, and some detasseling at the end of the summer. He's getting so grown up. He was such a big help when he was here the last couple of weeks. Bryson misses him terribly!

So far we are off to a great summer. I will try to do better blogging for the rest of the summer!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rowan's first smile!

Rowan is now almost 8 weeks old which is hard to imagine! He started smiling a couple of weeks ago, but then he got a cold and wouldn't smile for a few days. I could tell he was feeling better when he smiled again. Yesterday I was lucky enough to get a picture of him smiling and making faces. What a cutie, if I do say so myself!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter

The Beach Family was able to celebrate Easter all together this year with our newest member of the family! Bryson enjoyed hunting for eggs this year, although at each egg hunt he was perfectly content after finding his first egg or two. He would find them then open them up and take the insides out then put them back in and put the egg back together. No need for lots of eggs for him. Grandma Nancy filled her eggs with grapes and he really loved that! He ate all of his grapes then started working on Austin's! Rowan enjoyed his Easter being passed around while he snoozed! Payton loved getting dressed up in her new Easter dress and being able to spend time with her family playing. Austin was here for a couple of days and spent a lot of time at the church with his dad. Marc and Austin decided to stay up all night at the church and help with keeping the fire going until the sunrise church service on Easter morning. They had to take a few catnaps throughout the day! It was nice to finally have everyone together for a couple of days!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rowan Marcus Beach

Rowan Marcus Beach has made his arrival. Rowan joined the Beach Family on Monday, March 1, 2010 at 8:08 p.m. He weighed 8lbs and was 19 1/4 inches long. He took a little longer to get here than we thought he was going to take, but he made a safe arrival and we are so excited to finally have him here! We now have 3 birthdays in a row...Bryson's on February 28, Rowan on March 1, and Marc on March 2! Looks like the first weekend in March is going to be a big exciting birthday celebration for the Beach family!

Friday, February 26, 2010

38 weeks...almost here?

Well I am a little over 38 weeks pregnant and had a dr. appt yesterday. While at the dr. I was almost 4 cm dialated and 100% effaced. He seems to think that today will be the day, possibly tomorrow. When I woke up this morning I had a couple of contractions right away so I decided I should probably go ahead and call the sub just in case. I now sit here at 12:15 and wish I were at work! I am having some contractions off and on and occasionally they are stronger, but really nothing much is happening. I am afraid of two things...either 1 the contractions will intensify very quickly and I will not have time for an epidural YIKES, or 2 I will continue to have contractions like this and I will have wasted the day and not have this baby for a few more days. I am not sure which one is worse at this point. I am so excited to see this baby and to have him or her before Bryson's birthday on Sunday. I know that the birthdays will be close anyway so I am sure that they will celebrate together, but it would be kind of nice for them to at least have a special day to themselves. I am sure I will be the only person worried about that! Oh well I guess the baby will come when the baby is ready, we're on baby schedule now, not mommy schedule!

Monday, February 15, 2010

37 weeks

Well I am almost 37 weeks pregnant now and although in some ways it seems like the time has flown by, in other ways I am ready for this little bundle to be here! I can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. I had a Dr. appt last Wednesday and things are going great. I will now start going every week so we'll see how fast things will start progressing. He said that the head is very low but other than that we don't know too much about when the baby's arrival will be. Bryson's head was low for quite awhile, I don't think it sped up his arrival at all! He was born about 5 days early though, so we'll see. Bryson's birthday is February 28th so I would like to at least hold off until then, but after that I am ready to go! Payton is anxiously waiting and hoping desperately that the baby is a girl. She also thinks it would be really funny if my water just broke somewhere spontaneously some day. I am not so sure that I agree that it would be so funny!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

a little pre-term...

On Friday afternoon I started having some mild contractions. I assumed that they were Braxton-Hicks, which I have been experiencing off and on for a few weeks. Usually once I lay down and rest for a few minutes I am fine. After getting home from school I laid down for a couple of hours, but much to my disappointment my contractions actually started getting worse and were even starting to be uncomfortable. At about 8:00 we decided we better go ahead down to the hospital to make sure that things were going o.k. and to see what we needed to do to get the contractions to stop. Once we were there they hooked me up to the monitors and ran a couple of tests. The baby's heartrate was great, and the baby was very active, which was great as well. It was determined however, that I have a bladder infection. Between the bladder infection and the stress of my day they are sure that is what caused the contractions to stick around so long. We got to come home from the hospital at about 12:30 a.m. I had been having contractions for about 12 hours, but they had finally stopped about an hour before we left the hospital. Phew! I was a little nervous we were going to be having an early baby. It sounds like if I take it easy the next couple of days and take the medication for the infection than things should be o.k. If everyone could please say a quick little prayer that this baby stays in as long as possible we would much appreciate it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Snow Days!

Well I wouldn't have chosen to have two snow days so quickly after we got back from Christmas break, but hey I will take what I can get. We had Thursday and Friday off which turned out to be really nice because Payton got stranded here with us. Her and Bryson had a blast on Thursday and Friday playing together and being silly. We even got to go outside for a couple of minutes to play in the snow. I don't think that Bryson remembered the snow much from last year so this was really his first time going through the process of being bundled up and going outside. He definitely didn't like to get bundled up even though his big sister tried to show him how it worked. Once we got outside though he loved it. It was really windy so we weren't able to stay out long, but hopefully it will be nice enough another day so that we can get back out there.

Having a tea party in the tent!

I think I like the snow!