Friday, February 26, 2010

38 weeks...almost here?

Well I am a little over 38 weeks pregnant and had a dr. appt yesterday. While at the dr. I was almost 4 cm dialated and 100% effaced. He seems to think that today will be the day, possibly tomorrow. When I woke up this morning I had a couple of contractions right away so I decided I should probably go ahead and call the sub just in case. I now sit here at 12:15 and wish I were at work! I am having some contractions off and on and occasionally they are stronger, but really nothing much is happening. I am afraid of two things...either 1 the contractions will intensify very quickly and I will not have time for an epidural YIKES, or 2 I will continue to have contractions like this and I will have wasted the day and not have this baby for a few more days. I am not sure which one is worse at this point. I am so excited to see this baby and to have him or her before Bryson's birthday on Sunday. I know that the birthdays will be close anyway so I am sure that they will celebrate together, but it would be kind of nice for them to at least have a special day to themselves. I am sure I will be the only person worried about that! Oh well I guess the baby will come when the baby is ready, we're on baby schedule now, not mommy schedule!